Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My name is Mouse Dragon!

I had a nick name growing up.  It was Mouse Dragon.  My parents even lovingly got a little sweat shirt made up with a little mouse on it and my name "Mouse Dragon" imprinted in fuzzy black letters.  I wore it proudly along with my stiff Levis and cowboy boots.  The Levis were to protect my legs from the imminent scratches and bruises and the cowboy boots were just because that was the proper attire for a little country girl. 

Now the reason for the name "Mouse Dragon."  The simple answer is that is WHAT I AM!  My mother always told me that I was a mouse when asleep and a DRAGON when awake.. I think that most of my friends and family would agree with that!  I guess I have always been a bit of a dragon.  It seems like I have always been opinionated and self-centered which I believe may be a common trait for an only child like myself.  In fact, I think I am going to get a new shirt with my mantra on it and wear it proudly!

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